Here’s How Dog Bites Can Be Prevented

Occasionally you will see a tragic news story where the family dog must be put down after a biting accident. In a lot of instances, the blame is put on the dog owner for not doing enough to prevent the accident from happening. This is especially true if the accident results in a person’s death. The second most common result of a dog bite incident is the debate about whether certain breeds are too dangerous to own as pets. Most of the time, accidents can be prevented with the help of a qualified dog trainer who knows how to properly modify a dog’s behavior.

The reality is simple: dogs are domesticated animals. While they can be sweet and cuddly, they also have an instinct to protect themselves if they feel threatened. This is not so common of an occurrence that it should prevent you from getting a dog, but it should be enough of a concern to educate yourself on how and why it happens. Education and training are the keys to preventing future tragedies.

No one ever wants to blame the victim, but one thing we should all realize is that dog bites do not just happen for no reason at all. It does not occur out of thin air. If a dog becomes aggressive, there is a reason why. In fact, there could be many reasons why a dog decides to lash out and attack. The good news is that these types of behaviors can be modified with training.

Let us look at several dog bite prevention tips to help you keep both loves ones and strangers safe from the unimaginable happening.

General Dog Bit Prevention You Should Know

Tip #1: It should be noted that all types, kinds, and breeds of dogs are capable of biting. If you think you are safe because you have a small dog or one without a vicious reputation, you could be setting yourself up for trouble. If you are thinking about getting a dog, always do your research and be prepared to train your dog.

Tip #2: You should always watch your dog around children and never leave the two alone in a room. This is not just older kids, but also infants. Certain sounds and movements may trigger your dog to act out, even if in their mind they are playing around. Both kids and dogs can get rough when they play together. Dogs, being animals, can also become frustrated or take certain actions if they feel the need to defend themselves. We should always teach our kids not to pull on the dog’s ears or tail, grab its face, hug and kiss on the dog, or even pick it up excessively.

Instead, kids should apply gentle petting techniques. Every dog has his or her happy spots where petting is the most enjoyable, under the chin. You should also teach them to leave the dog alone if it is tired and laying down to sleep. Another great way to socialize pets and children is to have the kids give out treats and meals as a way of bonding.

Tip #3: You should not use harsh training to modify your dog’s behavior. Some people have truly little patience for training and often use harsh techniques, like shock collars and physical abuse. They may not realize they are training their dog to become more aggressive, making it more likely that it lashes out in defense. The dog may even develop a fear of other people and become anti-social.

Tip #4: Socialize your dog with other people and pets before the age of 16 weeks. To get your dog used to the idea of other people and animals around them, it is best to socialize them as early as possible. It allows them to grow up familiar with people rather than developing anti-social behavior. A dog that is not familiar with others can become aggressive, bark, and snap at those they do not know.

Tip #5: Do not ignore warning signs that your dog is upset. The warning signs are obvious. It is when these signs are ignored that more aggressive behavior develops and it often comes in stages. You might notice your dog licking its lips, panting, or growling. They might get up and leave the room or even turn away. This is when you know to stop right away. If you continue pestering, that is when the dog might stiffen, bark, and snap at the air.

Factors that Result in Fatal Dog Bites

If more dog owners knew the main factors that resulted in fatal dog bites, they would be able to prevent the incident from happening in the first place. This is where education comes into play. There was a study conducted that investigated these factors and it is quite telling.

  • No one around to save the victim in 87.1% of incidents.
  • The victim did not have a familiar relationship with the dog in 85.2% of incidents.
  • The dog was not neutered and was aggressive because of it in 84.4% of incidents.
  • The dog was not properly socialized or did not have good interactions with humans in 76.2% of incidents.
  • The owner(s) of the dog poorly managed their pet in 37.5% of incidents.

A lot of the time, multiple factors were involved in the fatality. That is why following the guidelines provided previously are essential for every dog owner. Knowing when and how to train and socialize your dog goes a long way to prevent injuries and death. The best way to approach responsible dog ownership is by taking your beloved pet to a qualified trainer in Savannah GA. You can learn more by visiting 

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Georgia Pine K9 LLC

818 Kolic Helmey Rd 

Guyton GA 31312


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